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Our process works in 3 steps


Our 100% confidential and anonymous platform will send each of your current employees a short email asking them to rate their experience at your company.

Every employee who clicks on “Good” and “Could be Better” will be redirected to an “Employee Feedback” page that would allow them to express positive points and areas that could be improved.

By providing this platform, we enable your “unhappy” employees to “vent” within a secure space that will never be public. It also gives you, the business owner, an inside look into your company’s culture.

Every employee who clicks on “Great” will be asked if they would rate their experience on your company’s Glassdoor page and will then be redirected to it for easy access. “Great” feedback guarantees a 5 star review on your Glassdoor profile.

92% of all employees that get our short email respond to it within 60 minutes during business hours.

By eliminating negative reviews and boosting your Glassdoor profile with a constant flow of 5 Star reviews, we increase your company’s overall rating and approval of the CEO.

Our team will set up, optimize, and promote your Glassdoor profile to begin accepting resumes from candidates who desire to work for your company and enjoy your company’s culture.

In addition, once a month, we will feature your company and all of your current job openings within your local , , and news stations.

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