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Do You Qualify for the Reputation Control Scholarship?

Encouraging Next Generation Entrepreneurs to Acquire Their Dream

Having a great education behind you will give you that vital edge in the competitive world of business. As an educated, forward thinking entrepreneur your vision can help shape the world we live in, and we want to back you every step of the way.


Your chosen path as an enterprising leader requires dedication, knowledge and the ability to follow your instincts. We understand how essential it is for you to get the best education to fully reach your potential. That’s why we want to give you financial support with a scholarship to achieve your goals. If you are a full-time student enrolled in this fall’s coming semester and have the drive to become a next generation entrepreneur, then you are ready to see if you qualify for our scholarship.


We would love to invest in the bright future of every creative mind out there. Unfortunately, this is a highly competitive industry so we can only help you out if you are not afraid to show us what you are made of. There is one spot available so competition is fierce, you need to bring your A-Game. Reach out to us and share exactly why you are the candidate we are looking for and why your vision must be shared with the world.



Phase One

We want to see your entrepreneurial chops and talent for communicating your vision through a 750-1500 word article about Digital Entrepreneurship published on the Internet. You can think big or small. You don’t have to be featured in the Wall Street Journal, the article can be written for your blog or small media site. What we want to see is that you have the skills to write a great piece that people can see, share and access globally. The Internet can be your best tool to get the word out. We wanna see you use it!

Phase Two

We also want to know about all your other great interests. Who are you? What really drives you and what makes you the interesting innovative person you are? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and include the link to your online publication. Click the “Send Proposal” button below the form and your information will be sent to us. Please submit your application on or before August 20th, 2019.


Our team will personally handle all proposals and read each article submitted very carefully to decide who will be awarded a scholarship. Please understand we receive a huge amount of proposals daily and so we might not be able to get back to you immediately. If you are successful in your application you will be the first to know and that will be before the fall semester begins, but we do ask for patience as we review every application with a keen eye and take everything into consideration. We will notify the winning applicant via email on or before August 31st, 2019.

We Respect Your Information

The information you provide us will not be passed on to third parties or shared in any way other than to assess your eligibility for the scholarship. By entering your personal information you are also agreeing to our terms and conditions approved by our legal team. You can get access to those terms by clicking on this link.