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According to Floor Daily, have you checked your reputation recently? It’s not difficult. All you have to do is enter your company name into a Google search window and see what reviews show up. If you find nothing, don’t necessarily pat yourself on the back. No reviews are not good. That suggests you don’t have a reputation. If you’ve been in business and haven’t established any reputation, that’s unfortunate. Having no reputation is better than bad reviews, but it still creates the impression that you aren’t worth doing business with.

Ideally, your online reputation consists of an ongoing stream of reviews that honestly capture the experience of doing business with you-the majority of which are positive, with possibly a negative one here or there because this is the real world and nothing is perfect 100% of the time.

Reputation lies at the heart of any successful business. It drives word-of-mouth referrals online and in real life. As people increasingly depend on mobile devices for research, directions and advice, those online referrals become vitally important to driving business to or away from you.

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