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According to a Facts Week article, in this ever-changing technological world internet and online connectivity has become an integral part of business organization across the globe. On one hand, internet connectivity has given business organization enormous opportunity to grow their business in every dimension, on the other hand, it has also provided ease to customer and consumer to exchange information with a business organization. Because of internet connectivity, online applications have become new marketing channels for enterprises but at the same time, customers can also convey their dissatisfaction in no time that can portray a bad image of the company. That’s why, enterprise internet reputation management is a must for every business organization. Enterprise internet reputation management includes tracking of public opinion, analyzing them, and finally interpreting meaningful information out of it. Based on these interpretation and findings, it assists a business organization to draft their online marketing campaign accordingly. Now-a-days, a person will find very few obstacles in damaging the online health of an organization via social media. Internet reputation management does an online makeover for enterprises by trashing negative search results and promoting content and reviews.