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According to a Business2Community article, the genie is out of the bottle. In this day and age, everything is public and visible. A plethora of information floats around the internet and trying to control who posts what feels like boiling the ocean. To make it worse, it takes so much time to build a reputation and only one bad moment to tarnish it.

These statements all ring true, but it is astonishing how many marketers and businesspeople misjudge their implications. Their struggles often stem from common myths that distort perception and lead to tragic missteps. So, here are the most notorious of them all, fallacies that need to be debunked for good.

Myth: There is no controlling one’s online reputation

While trying to prevent people from writing reviews is futile, you can react to them in a certain manner. For instance, it has been proven countless times that a timely and suitable response to a bad review or comment mitigates the damage it deals. That is to say that brands with quick response rates and feedback sensitivity will always have an edge. Like it or not, ignoring the problem only makes things worse. Customers are always right, so you are better off attending to their wants and needs and valuing their opinion.

Myth: No reputation is better than a bad rep

At the first glance, this statement seems intuitively on point. Alas, lack of testimonials and reviews only raises suspicion and suggests you are either unworthy, too new, or a shady company. Modern consumers hold peer opinion in the highest regard and when it is nowhere to be found, it cannot be a good thing, can it? Negative reviews might do more harm than good, but they are at least an indication of your business legitimacy.