by Reputation Specialist | Jan 20, 2021 | Branding
According to a Forbes article, what do Rolex, Lego, and Hallmark have in common? According to 2017 data from the Reputation Industry, they’re three of the five most reputable companies in America. Their placement is a combination of nostalgia, corporate...
by Reputation Specialist | Jan 18, 2021 | Reputation Management
According to a Forbes article… A people-management tip a day, every weekday, in 2019. As I’ve said before in this space, I love Twitter because you never know what you’ll find there. But it’s a good bet if you spend even a little time on it...
by Reputation Specialist | Jan 15, 2021 | Branding
The web is, unfortunately, an easy place for a brand’s competition and that pesky customer who is impossible to please to share their thoughts on a product or service. Because the public can post reviews on social media channels such as Facebook, as well as online...
by Reputation Specialist | Jan 13, 2021 | Content Marketing
In order to fully control the online reputation management process for a brand or individual, it is important to think beyond just monitoring and replying to reviews, and releasing content on a blog or website. Online reputation management covers a broad spectrum of...
by Reputation Specialist | Jan 11, 2021 | Online Reputation
Online reputation management is increasingly important for teenagers. As noted in a study reported on by television network WSPA in North Carolina, 80 percent of job recruiters will Google a job applicant before a hire is made. Teens who have immature or...